IO Interactive, the independent video game developer and publisher behind the internationally acclaimed HITMAN franchise shares an infographic, providing some insights on how players have been fairing in their attempts to eliminate the evasive Mark Faba (aka two-time BAFTA winner Sean Bean), in The Undying mission.
With one week left for players to complete the Elusive Target in HITMAN World of Assassination, it surely will be of interest for those who have yet to finish the mission. So far, 52% of players who have tried their luck against the Undying have managed to take Mark Faba down. Some have taken the fast approach, with the quickest completion time running at 12 seconds, whilst some have been playing with their target, leaving The Undying alive more than 3 hours before he met his fate.
With The Undying leaving the Free Starter Pack and the Elusive Target mission coming to an end on April 21st, players still have the time to create new records, change any of the statistics and make a name for themselves by eliminating The Undying.
Alongside The Undying, IO Interactive released The Undying Pack, a DLC which includes: a permanent access to The Undying through an Elusive Target contract in the Arcade mode, The Ephemeral Suit with Eye Patch suit, three items, and cosmetics for the Freelancer Safehouse.
The Season of Undying is at full tilt in HITMAN World of Assassination, with new content coming over the coming weeks such as Curated contracts, Challenges and returning Elusive Targets.
HITMAN World of Assassination is available now for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch. The Undying Pack is available for $4.99 USD/€4.99/£3.99 on every platform.