Dark Envoy Delivers Epic Patch to Steampunk Fantasy RPG

Dark Envoy Delivers Epic Patch to Steampunk Fantasy RPG

Dark Envoy has been committed to listening closely to the community, and today at 5 pm GMT, will release the biggest patch yet leading to substantial addition to the games quality-of-life features. Most notably, the gameplay experience will be a heavy focus on balancing, covering skills, enemies, and tactical environment while adding new content, such as a DPS testing ground and a challenge arena with handcrafted combat scenarios that will test the player’s party-building skills to the limit. 

Event Horizon CEO Krzysztof Monkiewicz said “It might sound like the obvious thing to do, but we genuinely wanted to create a game for the players to enjoy. The community feedback was an integral part of the development process of our first game, Tower of Time. We believe we have a unique game here and won't give up; we will continue to fight.”

Full Update list:

  • Added Challenge Arena (requested by community)

  • Added Training Room for testing out custom builds 

  • Removed “Jankiness” from animations – various and massive fixes to combat and cutscenes

  • Improved graphics in dungeons and cleaned up combat visuals to make it much more tactical, less hack’n’slash gameplay

  • Improved graphic quality of in-game cutscenes

  • Gameplay balancing to incorporate community feedback gathered so far

  • Updates to classes and specializations – change or upgrade least favorite spells

  • Improved enemy AI

  • Over 30 major and small Quality of Life features requested by the community –

  • Ability to respec skills, expanded combat summary statistics, two new tactical objectives challenges and more

Dark Envoy is out now on Steam and GOG, and until December 27th will have a 20% off sale.
