
Video Games: Is It Good Or Bad For Kids?

NDM News Network

Video games enjoy popularity beyond age limits. Not just youth and adults relish eSports, rather kids are also all gaga over playing video games. Usually, kids demand video games for their playtime over the phone, on tablets, computers, play stations and many other medium that allows them to relieve stress caused by study pressure from school or parents.

Nowadays kids live in a restricted environment due to security seasons and their play time is cut short by several additional personality development classes too. In this scenario, parents don’t mind allowing children for spending more time with video games. As a result, kids get addicted to such games.

Addiction – Good or Bad

Excess of everything is bad, a well-known proverb says it all. Specially when it comes to kids, video games do good if played in limits and under elder’s supervision. So, the good and bad impacts on kids playing video games should always be discussed.

Among various plus points of playing video games some of the top ones are:

·        Playing video games can improve the skillfulness and reflexes

·        Puzzle solving games raises intellect, skill and intelligence

·        Video games keeps kids busy in skillful activities

·        It makes them gadget friendly and boosts confidence

Negative Points

Negligence of essential activities like; school-work and studies, including other activities important is a result of video game addiction, leading to poor academic performance. Longer hours of playing video games on mobiles phones, TVs, computers etc. can cause many health problems specially related to eyesight and obesity.

More importantly, excessive video game playing can leave a negative impact on kid’s mental health, leading to psychological problems like; aggressive thoughts and behaviour.

Hence, video games are not bad for kids if parents keep monitoring the duration children are playing video games for, and also what type of video game they are watching, as excessive negative and violent consumption of information do no good for kids.