GT Guide

Healthier Gaming Habits: Best 5 Tips For Teens’ Parents

NDM News Network

Parents often struggle between ‘happiness for kids’ v/s ‘good for kids’, especially them having teens or younger children. And, when it comes to gaming advice, it’s always high with conflicts some say good for mental growth, while others say a bad addiction.

Today, kids spend too much time playing online games, so setting appropriate boundaries and required supervision can help worried parents give some enjoyable time to kids and make a connection with growing teens as well as protect them from unhealthy addiction of extreme gaming.

So, families can opt for these simple tips to develop healthy gaming habits among growing kids and teenagers:

1. Set Limits –Keep away gaming system from bedrooms, dinner table and limit its accessibility during and after school time. Doing this gives appropriate time for study, homework, schoolwork, conversation, friends, play and all.

2. Keep Tabs – Monitor the choice of video game kids prefer to play. Violent games may have bad impact over thinking pattern, not necessarily, but the God knows what they are up to. So, it is always better let them choose entertaining games over violence or gaming with foul language, such as, creative version of Minecraft is good for kids over survival.

3. Look For Trouble - Keep a track on the other aspects of teen’s behaviour, family activities, sleep pattern, interaction, friendships, homework and other extracurricular activities. 2-3 hours a day is enough gaming for teens, so if he/she is playing more than that, then be careful about sleep pattern, academic performance, healthy weight and interpersonal skills. In case of any issue arises, pull back the plug and accommodate some cheerful physical activity in their routine like; yoga, meditation, painting, or anything of their choice, or consult a physician.

4. Play Together – Involving in their favourite activity will build parent-child bond that is especially essential with growing teens. Plus, playing with them helps parents keep them away from bad gaming habits. In addition, it opens door for conversations and interactions. Also, the online conversation during game will be gentle.

5. Offer Alternatives – Involving kids in other physical activities helps limit their screen time and get involved in activities that offer overall personality development.

Most parents are ignorant about teenagers’ and kids’ habit of gaming, such as, how much time they spent with video games and other online activities. In this condition, they can build the repo with their kids by talking to them about their hobbies and give them confidence, to let them share their views and ideas with their mother/father. This helps in knowing teens better and develop healthy gaming habit.